Patrick DeLacy served as president of the 143rd PA’s Survivors Association for 45 consecutive terms–its only leader until his death in 1915 (other than the first year’s honorary president, Gen. Edmund Dana, original colonel of the 143rd PA).
An officer in the Pennsylvania Grand Army of the Republic (GAR), he served as its Commander in 1908-1909.
DeLacy became president of the First Corps Association in 1892-1893 and also became commander of the Legion of the Medal of Honor in 1906-1907 after serving in several staff appointments in the organization.
From 1867-1871, DeLacy served as U.S. Deputy Marshal for western Pennsylvania. He was appointed by Gen. Thomas A. Rowley, his commander and comrade from the war.
He was elected to the PA State Assembly as a Democrat in 1871 and 1872.
DeLacy ran for the PA State Senate in 1874, but due to a split in the Democratic party, a member of the opposing faction defeated him.
Appointed Deputy Sheriff in 1875 for one year, he also served as the appointed county auditor for two years. He also was appointed Scranton’s Chief of Police and served eight years in that capacity.
DeLacy also was Assistant Postmaster of Scranton for seven years and Alderman of Scranton’s 7th Ward for many years.
Patrick DeLacy died April 27, 1915, at age 79.